The Open GENIE language


The GENIE command style is very similar to the VMS operating system i.e.

 COMMAND/QUALIFIER value1 value2 keyword1=value3 keyword2=value4 

For example

 CHANGE title="new title" user="new user"
 CSET /WAIT temp1=4.0

There are a few important differences from VMS however. Character strings must always be included in double quotation marks i.e. "string"; this is to distinguish them from words or function names that form part of the GENIE language and so make interpreting the language easier to program.

For example, on VMS you could type

CHANGE title something			! Works on old VMS system only 

This was possible because a separate program interpreted each command: with the GENIE processor we need to tell it that title and something are not variable names. Being more explicit in this way allows more complicated expressions to be written in the language. For example in GENIE you can change both the title and user in one command as shown above.

In moving commands from VMS to the PC, command will be similar except

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Generated on 9 May 2010 for Open GENIE GCL by  doxygen 1.6.1