
Colour cell plot for gridded data.

CELL/DRAW [/SMOOTH] [/LOG] [/SQRT] values=RealArray table=ColourTable [tr=RealArray] [valmax=Real] [valmin=Real] Plots a cell on a graphics device
CELL/ALTER [/SMOOTH] [/LOG] [/SQRT] values=RealArray table=ColourTable [tr=RealArray] [valmax=Real] [valmin=Real] object=Gobject Alters a cell already drawn on a graphics device


	# Produce a cell plot of 2-D data
	>> device/clear			# Clear the current plot
	>> yscale=dimensions(10)	# Create an array for the y-scale
 	>> fill yscale 1.0 1.0		# populate the array
	>> xscale=dimensions(20)	# Create an array for the x-scale
	>> fill xscale 1.0 1.0		# populate the array
	>> z=dimensions(20,10)		# Create an array for the data
	>> fill z 1.0 1.0		# populate the array
	>> win_twod x=xscale y=yscale 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9	# Create the plotting area
	>> axes/draw			# Draw some axes
	>> myplot = cell:draw(values=z, table=colourtable:heat()) # Plot the data
	# Now lets create a contour scale wedge.
	>> win_scaled 0.9 0.95 0.1 0.9 0.0 1.0 min(z) max(z)
	>> axes/draw/noxnum
	>> cell_wedge/draw/vertical myplot


Draws a colour cell plot. The cell plot will transform with a transformation matrix if it is given or it will assume that the data is linear and scale to fit the axes. For non-linear grids or non-gridded data see Cell_array() and Cell_function() respectively.



Interpolate colour across each cell.


Draws a logarithmic cell plot.


Draws a square root cell plot.

Values (RealArray)

Defines the cell values of the cell plot, values is a two dimensional array with sufficient data to fit the grid points.

Table (Colourtable)

Defines the colour table for the cell plot.

Tr (RealArray)

Array defining a transformation between the i, j grid of the data array and the window coordinates. The window coordinates of the array point a[i,j] are given by:

x = tr[1] + tr[2] * i + tr[3] * j
y = tr[4] + tr[5] * i + tr[6] * j

Usually tr[3] and tr[5] are zero - unless the coordinate transformation involves a rotation or shear.

The default transformation if this parameter is not specified is to map linearly onto the window to fit the plot.

Valmax (Real)

Cut off maximum above which the colour table will not be mapped.

Valmin (Real)

Cut off minimum below which the colour table will not be mapped.

RESULT = (Cell)

This returns all of the properties of the Cell plot.


Alters an already drawn cell plot.



Interpolate colour across each cell.


Draws a logarithmic cell plot.


Draws a square root cell plot.

Values (RealArray)

Defines the cell values of the cell plot, values is a two dimensional array with sufficient data to fit the grid points.

Table (Colourtable)

Defines the colour table for the cell plot.

Tr (RealArray)

Array defining a transformation between the i, j grid of the data array and the window coordinates. The window coordinates of the array point a[i,j] are given by:

x = tr[1] + tr[2] * i + tr[3] * j
y = tr[4] + tr[5] * i + tr[6] * j

Usually tr[3] and tr[5] are zero - unless the coordinate transformation involves a rotation or shear.

The default transformation if this parameter is not specified is to map linearly onto the window to fit the plot.

Valmax (Real)

Cut off maximum above which the colour table will not be mapped.

Valmin (Real)

Cut off minimum below which the colour table will not be mapped.

Object (Gobject)

The cell plot to alter.

RESULT = (Cell)

This returns all of the properties of the altered Cell plot.