
Displays a cell_wedge (colour key) on the graphics device.

CELL_WEDGE/DRAW [/HORIZONTAL] [/VERTICAL] cell=Gobject Draws a cell_wedge onto a graphics device.
CELL_WEDGE/ALTER [/HORIZONTAL] [/VERTICAL] object=Gobject Alters a cell_wedge already drawn on a graphics device.


	# Annotate an already drawn cell plot
	>> my_cell = Cell:Draw(w.y, $heat())
	>> Cell_Wedge/horizontal  my_cell

Note: Must be in a separate window to the cell plot. By default the wedge is vertical.


Provides colour key annotation to a cell plot if required. The cell wedge draws either a vertical or horizontal colour key using the same colour table as the cell plot it is annotating. The cell object (either a Cell, Cell_array or Cell_function) must already exist and the object reference of the Cell plot must be supplied for the wedge to be drawn.



The cell_wedge will be drawn horizontally.


The cell_wedge will be drawn vertically.

Cell (Gobject)

Give a reference to the colour cell plot for which the key is required.

RESULT = (CellWedge)

This returns all of the properties of the cell_wedge.


Alters an already created wedge.



The cell_wedge will be drawn horizontally.


The cell_wedge will be drawn vertically.

Object (Gobject)

Give an object reference to the cell_wedge to be altered.

RESULT = (CellWedge)

This returns all of the properties of the altered cell_wedge.