
Displays error-bars on a plot

ERRORS/DRAW [/HORIZONTAL] [/VERTICAL] xarray=RealArray yarray=RealArray earray=RealArray [colour=Colour] [line_thickness=Real] Draw error-bars at the x/yarray points, with the size of the earray values
ERRORS/ALTER [/HORIZONTAL] [/VERTICAL] [xarray=RealArray] [yarray=RealArray] [earray=RealArray] [colour=Colour] [line_thickness=Real] object=Gobject Alter the error-bars


	# Add error bars to a plot
	>> e = Errors:draw(colour=$blue)
	>> Errors/alter colour=$red object=e

Note: By default the error-bars are drawn vertically.


Draws error-bars on a graphics device. If the xarray and yarray have already been defined, in either graph, histogram or markers. then it is not necessary to define them again.



Draw vertical error-bars.


Draw horizontal error-bars.

Xarray (RealArray)

Defines the x points.

Yarray (RealArray)

Defines the y points

Earray (RealArray)

Defines the size of the error-bars.

Colour (Colour)

Defines the error-bars colour.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the error-bars width.

RESULT = (OneDVErrors or OneDHErrors)

Returns the properties of the newly created error-bars.


Alters an already created set of error bars.



Draw vertical error-bars.


Draw horizontal error-bars.

Xarray (RealArray)

Not yet implemented.

Yarray (RealArray)

Not Yet Implemented.

Earray (RealArray)

Not Yet Implemented.

Colour (Colour)

Defines the error-bars colour.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the error-bars width.

Object (Integer)

Shows which set of error-bars are to be altered, in any one window.

RESULT = (OneDVErrors or OneDHErrors)

Returns the properties of the altered error-bars.