
Deletes a variable or workspace field and frees the storage.

FREE variable=String [subvariable=String] Delete a variable
[/PROC]   Delete a procedure definition
[/TYPE]   Delete a user defined workspace type


	# Delete a workspace field "test" and then an array "arr"
	>> printn w
	  Workspace []
	    test = 45.0
	>> free "w" "test"
	  Workspace []
	>> free "arr"


This command is provided to allow the user a little more control over the disposal of memory used by large variables. If for example, a large data array is known to be unused it would normally be automatically removed from memory eventually by Open GENIE. To remove it explicitly may be useful, for example, if the user knows they are about to create another large array.



Interpret the given string as procedure name.


Interpret the given string as user defined type name.

Variable (String)

A string giving the name of the item to be deleted - must be double quoted.

Subvariable (String)

For workspaces only, this parameter contains a string which is the name of the field to delete from the workspace.