
Displays a graph (or line plot) on a graphics device.

GRAPH/DRAW xarray=RealArray yarray=RealArray [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] Draw a graph at the x/yarray points.
GRAPH/ALTER [xarray=RealArray] [yarray=RealArray] [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] object=Gobject Alter the graph


	# Add error bars to a plot
	>> g = Graph:draw(colour=$blue)
	>> Graph/alter colour=$red object=g

Note: For graph/alter yarray and xarray are not yet implemented.


Draws a graph on a graphics device. If the xarray and yarray have already been defined, in either errors, histogram or markers. then it is not necessary to define them again.


Xarray (RealArray)

Defines the x points.

Yarray (RealArray)

Defines the y points

Colour (Colour)

Defines the graphs colour.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Defines the line type of the graph. Such as $full, $dash, $dot_dash and $dot.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the graphs line width.

RESULT = (OneDGraph)

Returns the properties of the newly created graph.


Alters a graph. The xarray and yarray are not able to be altered at this point in time.


Xarray (RealArray)

Not yet implemented.

Yarray (RealArray)

Not Yet Implemented.

Colour (Colour)

Defines the graph colour.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Defines the line type of the graph. Such as $full, $dash, $dot_dash and $dot.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the graphs line width.

Object (Gobject)

Shows which graph is to be altered.

RESULT = (OneDGraph)

Returns the properties of the altered graph.