
Displays a graticule axis on the graphics device

GRATICULE/DRAW [/XLOG] [/YLOG] [/YHORIZ] [/NOXNUM] [/NOYNUM] [/XLINEAR] [/YLINEAR] [/YVERTICAL] [/XNUM] [/NUM] [colour=Colour] [size=Real] [font=Font] [line_thickness=Real] [line_type=LineStyle] Draws a Graticule on a graphics device
GRATICULE/ALTER [/XLOG] [/YLOG] [/YHORIZ] [/NOXNUM] [/NOYNUM] [/XLINEAR] [/YLINEAR] [/YVERTICAL] [/XNUM] [/NUM] [colour=Colour] [size=Real] [font=Font] [line_thickness=Real] [line_type=LineStyle] object=Gobject Alters a graticule already drawn on a graphics device


	# Draws a green Graticule on a device 
	# then alters the colour.
	>> g = graticule:draw(colour=$green)
	>> graticule/alter colour=$red object=g

Note: By default the graticule is linear.


Draws a graticuleon a graphics device when a window is displayed previously.



Draws with a logarithmic x axis.


Draws with a logarithmic y axis.


Labels the numbers horizontally on the y axis..


Does not put numbers on the x axis.


Does not put numbers on the y axis.


Draws a linear x axis.


Draws a linear y axis.


Draws the numbers vertically on the y axis.


Draws numbers on the x axis.


Draws numbers on the y axis.

Colour (Colour)

Defines the colour of the graticule.

Size (Real)

Defines the size of the numbers.

Font (Font)

Defines the font, $Normal, $Roman, $Italic, $Script.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the thickness of the graticule.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Defines the line_type of the graticule, $Full, $Dash, $Dot-Dash, $Dot.

RESULT = (OneDGraticule)

This returns all of the properties of the newly created graticule.


Alters a specified graticule, the parameter object MUST be specified.



Draws a logarithmic x axis.


Draws a logarithmic y axis.


Labels the numbers horizontally on the y axis..


Does not put numbers on the x axis.


Does not put numbers on the y axis.


Draws a linear x axis.


Draws a linear y axis.


Draws the numbers vertically on the y axis.


Draws numbers on the x axis.


Draws numbers on the y axis.

Colour (Integer)

Defines the colour of the graticule.

Size (Real)

Defines the size of the numbers.

Font (Font)

Defines the font, $Normal, $Roman, $Italic, $Script.

Line_thickness (Real)

Defines the thickness of the graticule.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Defines the line_type of the graticule, $Full, $Dash.

Object (Gobject)

Defines which graticule is to be altered, in any one window.

RESULT = (OneDGraticule)

This returns all of the properties of the altered graticule