
Makes a copy of picture on a hardcopy device.

HARDCOPY [filename=String] [devtype=String] [picture=Gobject] [aspect=Real]
[width=Real] [height=Real]
Creates a hardcopy of a previously drawn picture


	# Save a postscript copy of the screen
	>> Hardcopy
	# Save a copy of the last but one picture as
	# colour postscript (found with Redraw/Info)
	>> Hardcopy filename="test.cps" picture=my_pict

The Hardcopy command allows a copy to be made of either the currently displayed window, or an earlier picture.

The supported hardcopy devices on most machines include "PS" Postscript, "CPS" Colour Postscript and "HPGL" HPGL driver for 7475A For full details of supported devices on each machine type see Supported Graphics Devices.

The "filename" and "devtype" parameters also set the default for further calls to the Hardcopy command so normally just typing Hardcopy is sufficient to make a hardcopy of the current screen.


filename (String)

The name of a file into which to put the hardcopy, the default is "GENIE.PS".

devtype (String)

One of the supported hardcopy graphics devices.

picture (Gobject)

The picture to be copied. By default picture 0 is selected which is the last picture to be created.

aspect (Real)

The aspect ratio of the hardcopy output.

width (Real)

The width of the hardcopy output.

height (Real)

The height of the hardcopy output.