
Prints out the inheritance tree starting at the given class.

HIERARCHY() [class=String] Print out the class hierarchy starting at "class"


	>> Hierarchy "Measurement"
	   Measurement [Any measured value]
	      units = _
	      Temperature [Temperature]
	        units = _
	      Polarisation [A fixed polarisation value]
	        px = 1.0
	        pz = _
	        units = _
	        py = _

Note: Default values set for the class attributes are shown here.


This command allows a simple print out displaying a class hierarchy.  By default, all user defined class hierarchies start with "Structure" as the top level class so a Hierarchy() command with "Structure" as the parameter will display all the inherited classes in the class tree.  A hierarchy on your own top level class will show all the classes derived from it recursively.


Class (String) [ default = "Structure" ]

The name of the class from which to create the hierarchy tree.