
Loads a file containing GCL procedures into GENIE

LOAD filename=String Load a command file


	# Load a genie program
	>> Load "myprog.gcl"
	Loading file myprog.gcl ........
	        56 lines scanned/compiled

Note: Cannot always load one command file from within another.


The load command allows a file consisting of Open GENIE commands and procedure definitions to be read by Open GENIE. It is normally possible to have one file containing "Load" commands for a few other component files but some care should be taken as the Load() command is primarily an interactive command and some odd effects may occur as a result of multiple nesting or calling of Load() within a procedure (not recommended).


Filename (String)

File consisting of valid GCL statements and PROCEDURE definitions.

RESULT = (Boolean)

Returns $FALSE if the load command failed to work.