
Finds the position (or positions) of a given sub-string within a string.

LOCATE astring=String substring=String [count=Integer] Returns the index position of a sub-string within the string


	# Look for all the positions of the string "quick"
	>> position = 0
	>> words = "The quick brown quick fox&
            jumped quick over the lazy quick dog"
	LOOP i FROM 1 TO 10
	    position = locate(words,"quick",i)
	    EXITIF position = 0
	    print position
	5 17 33 53>>

Note: Locate() is most useful when used in conjunction with the Substring() function.


Locate allows the position of a substring to be found within a string. If necessary, it is possible to specify an extra count parameter to locate which will allow the position of the nth occurrence of a string to be found. In all cases, if a sub-string is not found, a zero is returned.


Astring (String)

The string which is to be searched for sub-strings.

Substring (String)

The sub-string to search for within the string

count (Integer) [ default=1 ]

Optional parameter to allow the position of the nth substring to be found. This parameter defaults to 1 to look for the first occurrence of the substring.

RESULT = (Integer)

The position of the sub-string within the searched string. The character positions are numbered from 1 for the first character in the string, the same way as for the Substring() command.