
Controls multiplot creation and plotting

MULTI_PLOT/CREATE [/BINCENTRE] [/NOTCENTRED] data=RealArray [numhist=Integer] [chmin=Integer] [chmax=Integer] [ygap=Real] [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] Creates the initial parameters of the multiplot.
MULTI_PLOT/SPECTRA data=Range or RealArray Adds the final parameter (the y array's) needed to draw a multiplot.
MULTI_PLOT/DRAW   Draws a multiplot onto a grahics device.
MULTI_PLOT/ALTER [/BINCENTRE] [/NOTCENTRED] [numhist=Integer] [chmin=Integer] [chmax=Integer] [ygap=Real] [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] object=Gobject Alter the multiplot previoulsy drawn on a graphics device.


	# Create a multiplot and display it
	>> w=get(1:10)
	>> multi_plot/create data=w.x
	>> multi_plot/spectra data=w.y
	>> win_multiplot 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.9
	>> mp = multi_plot:draw()

Note: Multiplot window must be created after the multi_plot but before drawing.


Creates a multiplot without adding the data.



Centres the data before plotting (for point mode data)


Plots the data as it is. (by default the data is not centred).

Data (RealArray)

Sets the x data points, these must be identical for all Y data

Numhist (Integer)

Sets the number of histograms wanted, otherwise defaults to all the Y arrays

Chmin (Integer)

Sets an X data minimum cutoff.

Chmax (Integer)

Sets an X data maximum cutoff.

Ygap (RealArray)

Sets an array of gap values between the data points

Colour (Colour)

Sets the colour of the multiplot.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Sets the line type of the multiplot.

Line_thickness (Integer)

Sets the line thickness of the multiplot.

RESULT = (Multiplot)

Returns all of the properties of the newly created multiplot.


Adds the all of the y data to the already created multiplot.


Data (RealArray or Range)

Sets the Y data. A two dimensional array with the second dimension the same as the X-array (or one less for bin-mode data). For example, x[4000] will require y[n, 4000] or y[n,3999] for histogram mode.

For an already open data file, a Range may be specified as an integer array of spectrum numbers to be read from the raw data file. See Range data type. This is used where it would not be possible to hold all of the data for the multiplot in memory.


Draws the multiplot. Note that a window must be created before the Multiplot/Draw command is given but after the multiplot has been created and scaled with the Multiplot/Create and Multiplot/Spectra commands.


Alters the multiplot. The ydata and xdata cannot be altered.



Centres the data.


Plots the data as it is. (by default the data is not centred).

Numhist (Integer)

Sets the number of histograms wanted.

Chmin (Integer)

Sets the data point to start from..

Chmax (Integer)

Sets the data point to finish at.

Ygap (RealArray)

Sets an array of gap values between the data points

Colour (Colour)

Sets the colour of the multiplot.

Line_type (Integer)

Sets the line type of the multiplot.

Line_thickness (Integer)

Sets the line thickness of the multiplot.

Object (Gobject)

Shows which multiplot is to be altered, in any one window.

RESULT = (Multiplot)

Returns all of the properties of the altered multiplot.