
Returns the number of readable blocks in an Open GENIE recognized file.

NBLOCKS() [file=String] Return number of blocks in an intermediate file, or number of spectra in a raw file


	# Check the number of spectra in a raw
	# file then do a multiplot
	>> Set/File/Input "hrp00345.raw"
	>> n = nblocks()
	>> multiplot 1:(n)

Note: For an ISIS raw file the above use of Nblocks() is equivalent to Get("NSP1").


Returns the number of blocks the Get() command would be able to read when reading by block number. Put in another way for a file "d.dat" the command Get(Nblocks("d.dat"), "d.dat") will access the last block in the file.


File (String) [ default = default input file ]

Any file of a type which can be recognised by Open GENIE.

RESULT = (Integer)

Returns the number of the highest block in the file.