
Print to the users terminal (no newline).

PRINT [p1-p20=Any] Converts all parameters for printing to the terminal screen


	# print out a variable with some text
	>> print "Value of variable $PI=" $PI
	Value of variable $PI=3.14159265358979>>

Note: See also the other print commands in the group ( "print" - "n, i, in, e, en, d, dn" e.g. "printdn" )

Print(), Printn(), Printi(), Printin(), Printe(), Printen(), Printd(), Printdn(),

The generic print command takes up to 20 parameters, these are converted into a text form suitable for display on an interactive terminal and then displayed to the terminal. Depending on the suffix of the print command the text will be sent via different output streams and will be coloured differently using ANSI escape code sequences. If the command ends with an "n" a newline will be added automatically after the text has been printed. If the print conversion is required (ie from variable to string) but without writing to the terminal, it is possible to use the As_string() function.

There are four possible output streams with the following attributes:

Stream type Print Command Characteristics
Normal output Print() or Printn() Normal output in (typically) black text
Informational output Printi() or Printin() Blue coloured, can be switched on and off (see Toggle/Info)
Error output Printe() or Printen() Red coloured, includes line number and procedure where error occured
Debugging output Printd() or Printdn() Mauve coloured, separates debugging output from other types of output


P1-P20 (Any)

Variables to be printed. The strings produced by each variable are concatenated by the print command without adding any white space to allow maximum control over formatting.