
Set user defined defaults.

SET/DISK value=String Select the default disk
SET/DIR value=String Select the default directory
SET/INST value=String Select the default instrument short name
SET/EXT value=String Select the default file extension
value=String Set the default input or output files


	# Change the file for saving data to
	>> Set/file/output "Mydat.in3"

Note: Set/File/Input is the default for Set/File


Allows selection of the default file for input or ouput. This new Open GENIE command overrides the older commands listed below which set parts of the path individually. The full pathname for the file must be supplied when Set/File is being used but once set, both the Get() and Put() commands will accept the Input/Output files as defaults.



Sets the default file for input


Sets the default file for output

Value (String)

The full pathname for the default input or output file.


Sets the default disk for the input file. This is not needed on Unix systems but can be useful on VMS or Wiindows/NT.


Value (String)

The full disk name (or disk logical name on VMS - eg "USER$DISK:" )


Sets the default directory for the input file.


Value (String)

The full directory path for the file. (e.g. [TFXA.DATA] on VMS or /home/user/bob/ on Unix)


Sets the default instrument short name. This is an ISIS specific three letter abbreviation for the instrument name which constitutes part of the file name.


Value (String)

The instrument short name (e.g. IRS)


Sets the default file extension for the input file. This is not needed on Unix systems but needs specifying on VMS.


Value (String)

The full file extension (e.g. ".RAW")