
Replace sentinel values with "undefined"

UNFIX array=Array value=Any except Array Replace a specific value with undefined


	# Fix undefined results to 999
	>> scan = get_dat("Old_data_file")
	>> Unfix scan 999.0    # 999.0 represents unknown values

Note: See Fix() for replacing undefined values with a sentinel value.


Open GENIE caters for situations where an element of an array has an undefined value. This value is correctly propagated through all internal operations but when importing data it may be necessary to convert external sentinel values into proper Open GENIE undefined values before operating on the data.

To go the other way, for example when exporting data the Fix() command can be used.


Array (Array)

The array containing one or more sentinel values to be fixed.

Value (Any except an array)

The sentinel value to replace with proper undefined values in Open GENIE.

RESULT = (Array)

An array of the same type as the original but with all sentinel values replaced with undefined.