High level instrument control.
[Instrument Control.]

These commands sample environment equipment in a high level, general way and allow setting of parameters via configured SECI blocks. More...


 CSET (String BLOCK, Generic VALUE, Generic RANGE, Generic LOWLIMIT, Generic HIGHLIMIT, Real SPREAD, Real RETRY, Integer NRETRY, Generic EXTRAPARAMS, Qualifier WAIT, Qualifier CONTROL, Qualifier NOCONTROL)
 Set a sample environment variable value.
 CSHOW (String BLOCK, Qualifier ALL)
 show a sample environemtn variable value
 GETSE (String BLOCK, Integer RUN_NUMBER, String FILE)
 Read a set of sample environment values from a log file into a Workspace.
 SEPLOT (String BLOCK, Integer RUN_NUMBER, String FILE, Qualifier PLOTAV)
 Plot a set of sample environment values from a log file.

Detailed Description

These commands sample environment equipment in a high level, general way and allow setting of parameters via configured SECI blocks.

CSET and CSHOW are good examples of such commands. To access values on LabVIEW VIs directly you need to use the Low level LabVIEW commands instead

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Generated on 9 May 2010 for Open GENIE GCL for Instruments by  doxygen 1.6.1