GET ( Generic  ITEM,
String  FILE,
Generic  ITEM_ARGS,
String  HOST,
Qualifier  ARRAY,
Qualifier  REMOTE,
Qualifier  NEWICP 

Read a spectrum from a data source.

[in] ITEM Item to read (either a String or an Integer)
[in] FILE Source to read item from
[in] ITEM_ARGS ???
[in] HOST Host to read item from (default: localhost)
[in] ARRAY Return a Workspacearray for multiple spectra rather than a multi-dimensional y array
[in] REMOTE Use remote access via DCOM
[in] NEWICP Connect to a New style ICP program rather than a remote GENIE
 All Files Functions Typedefs

Generated on 9 May 2010 for Open GENIE GCL by  doxygen 1.6.1