
Plots a contour_array on the graphics device

CONTOUR_ARRAY/DRAW [/LOG] [/SQRT] values=RealArray contours=RealArray ncont=Integer xarray=RealArray yarray=RealArray [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] Draw a contour array onto a graphics device.
CONTOUR_ARRAY/ALTER [/LOG] [/SQRT] [values=RealArray] [contours=RealArray] [ncont=Integer] [xarray=RealArray] [yarray=RealArray] [colour=Colour] [line_type=LineStyle] [line_thickness=Real] object=Gobject Alters a previously drawn contour array on a graphics device.


	# Produce a contour plot of 2-D data on a non-linear grid
	>> Contour_array/Draw values=my_points &
	      xarray=non_linear_x yarray=non_linear_y &

Note: Use contours or ncont, not both.


Draws a contour plot of the data supplied. The contour plot should be drawn in a two-D window ( see Win_twod() ). The Contour_array() function is for contouring with non-linnearly gridded data. For countours with linearly gridded data or non-uniform gridding use the Contour() or Contour_function() commands respectively.



Draws a logarithmic contours.


Draws square root contours.


Draws a linear contour array.

Values (RealArray)

Defines the cell values of the cell plot, values is a two dimensional array with sufficient data to fit the grid points.

Contours (RealArray)

Sets the contours explicity by specifying the heights (in raw data values) of the countours. If this is specified, the number of contours will be taken from the data array and Ncont is ignored.

Ncont (Integer)

Draws ncont contours, by default, evenly spaced between Valmin and Valmax

Xarray (RealArray)

Defines the x gridding of the contours.

Yarray (RealArray)

Defines the y gridding of the contours.

Colour (Colour)

Sets the contour colour.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Sets the line type of the contours. Such as $full, $dash, $dot_dash and $dot.

Line_thickness (Real)

Sets the contour line width.

RESULT = (ContourArray)

Returns all of the properties of the newly created contour array.


Alters a contour array previously drawn on a graphics device.



Draws a logarithmic contours.


Draws square root contours.


Draws a linear contour array.

Values (RealArray)

Defines the cell values of the cell plot, values is a two dimensional array with sufficient data to fit the grid points.

Contours (RealArray)

Sets the contours explicity by specifying the heights (in raw data values) of the countours. If this is specified, the number of contours will be taken from the data array and Ncont is ignored.

Ncont (Integer)

Draws ncont contours, by default, evenly spaced between Valmin and Valmax

Xarray (RealArray)

Defines the x gridding of the contours.

Yarray (RealArray)

Defines the y gridding of the contours.

Colour (Colour)

Sets the contour colour.

Line_type (LineStyle)

Sets the line type of the contours. Such as $full, $dash, $dot_dash and $dot.

Line_thickness (Real)

Sets the contour line width.

Object (Integer)

Shows which contour array is to be altered, in any one window.

RESULT = (ContourArray)

Returns all of the properties of the altered contour array.