
Lists the items available within any datafile with a format Open GENIE understands.

LIST file=String Catalogues the contents of a data file
LIST/IN   Lists the contents of the default input file
LIST/OUT   Lists the contents of the default output file
[/FULL]   List the file contents with full details


	>> List "dat.out"
	Genie intermediate file version 1.0
	Block    Label           Type
	1       vanadium        GXWorkspace
	2       Run 1   GXWorkspace
	3       Run 2   GXWorkspace

Note: To see comments use the /Full qualifier.


This command gives a means of listing out pertinent information about the contents of a data file. The block number and/or label string identify how to request the data when using the Get() command (either the block number or the label string can be given as the "Item" parameter).



Give a full listing of information, eg the full listing for the example above.

>> List/full "dat.out"
Genie intermediate file version 1.0
Block = 1, Label = vanadium, Type = GXWorkspace
Created: Tue 01 Jul at 14:02:36 BST by Chris <cmt@spudtek>
Comment: Calibrating run
Block = 2, Label = Run 1, Type = GXWorkspace
Created: Tue 01 Jul at 14:03:36 BST by Chris <cmt@spudtek>
Comment: 15/3/98 - Nobel data (first cut)
Block = 3, Label = Run 2, Type = GXWorkspace
Created: Tue 01 Jul at 14:16:58 BST by Chris <cmt@spudtek>
Comment: 15/3/98 - Nobel data (what I wrote up)

File (String)

The input file to be listed

Parname2 (Type2)

As above

RESULT = (Workspace)

Returns the result of the command as a workspace of strings and string arrays so that the information can be used in a program. The example below shows the same listing returned in a workspace.

>> printn list:full("dat.out")
Workspace []
  header = "Genie intermediate file version 1.0"
  user = [Chris <cmt@spudtek> Chris <cmt@spudtek> Chris <cmt@spudtek> ] Array(3)
  type = [GXWorkspace GXWorkspace GXWorkspace ] Array(3)
  label = [vanadium Run 1 Run 2 ] Array(3 )
  comment = [Calib. run 15/3/98 - Nobel dat (first cut) 15/3/98 - Nobel dat (written up) ] Array(3)
  date = [Tue 01 Jul at 14:02:36 BST Tue 01 Jul at 14:03:36 BST Tue 01 Jul at 14:16:58 BST ] Array(3)


As for the List() but lists the contents of the default input file as specified with one or more of the Set() commands.


As for the List() but lists the contents of the default output file as specified with one or more of the Set() commands.