
Plots multiple spectra on one set of axes using a hidden line removal

MULTIPLOT spectra=Interval or IntegerArray
[ygap=Real] [file=String] [linecolour=Colour] [linetype=LineStyle] [linewidth=Real] [textcolour=Colour] [textheight=Real]
plot the spectra specified from a file.
MULTIPLOT wa=WorkspaceArray
[ygap=Real] [file=String] [linecolour=Colour] [linetype=LineStyle] [linewidth=Real] [textcolour=Colour] [textheight=Real]
plot the spectra in the workspace array.


	# Do multiplots from a file
	>> multiplot 1:20 file="mydata.raw" ygap=10.0
	>> multiplot 1:300@3	# plot every third spectrum
	# Make and plot a workspace array
	>> LOOP i FROM 1 TO 20; ww=s(i); ENDLOOP
	>> multiplot wa=ww linecolour=$green

Note: multiplot from a file is more efficient in terms of memory


The multiplot command provides an easy to interpret display of multiple spectra on the same X-axis. It is useful for comparing groups of spectra which although essentially similar may show a trend across the group (e.g. a phonon effect with temperature). The command works by producing a psuedo Y-axis where subsequent plots are placed at an artificial Y offset value (ygap). Individual spectra are overplotted using hidden line removal. Currently, multiplot only plots as a histogram, the binning is controlled with the Alter() command.


Spectra (Range)

When the Multiplot() command is used with this parameter specified, it is assumed that the data source for the multiplot has already been specified as a default input source, see Set/File, or is given with the "file" parameter to this command.

Open GENIE also supports unique data types called Interval and Range, a Range or Interval can be used to specify multiple indices or a range of indices respectively to access multi-dimensional data. For more information on specifying intervals, please see a description of the Interval syntax. For the most general ability to specify a group of arbitrary spectra an Integer array of spectrum identifiers can be given as the the "Spectra" parameter. The spectra will be plotted in the order specified.

Wa (WorkspaceArray)

If this form of the command is used, the data to be plotted is supplied in the form of multiple spectra stored in a Workspace array. The spectra must all be binned identically on the same X-axis for the multiplot command to be able to work.

Ygap (Real)

This parameter sets the spacing artificially added to separate the multiple spectra on the Y-Axis. It is specified in the same coordinates as the data and is calculated automatically by the Multiplot() command if it is not specified. The real Y height of a point in any spectrum on a multiplot is given by yvalue = measured-height - ygap * spectrum-number where spectrum-number is the nth spectrum in the order of plotting.

file (String)

Specifies a data file other than the default set by Set/File.

Linecolour (Colour)

This parameter changes the colour for drawing the axes and surrounding boxes, see Alter() for details.

Linetype (LineStyle)

This parameter changes the line style for drawing the axes and surrounding boxes, see Alter() for details.

Linewidth (Real)

This parameter changes the line width used for drawing line plots, see Alter() for details.

Textcolour (Colourl)

This parameter changes the colour used for drawing text, see Alter() for details.

Textheight (Real)

This parameter changes the text height used for drawing text, see Alter() for details.