
Locates and returns a graphics primitive object given its location.

OBJ() picnum=Integer winnum=Integer objnum=Integer Absolute index of the object.


	# Undraw the third object in the
	# current picture and window
	>> undraw obj(0,0,3)

Note: Picture and window indices of 0 for current values.


This is one of four functions which return a reference to a graphical object when given index information about the location of the object in the graphics object subsystem ( Dev(), Pic(), Win() and Obj() ).

Positive numbers give the number of the object in its list, starting at 1. Negative numbers give the number of the object starting from the last item in the list and counting backwards, starting at -1 (this is often the easiest way to find objects). Zero represents the last object created, normally the current object.

All Open GENIE primitive graphical objects are stored within a window which itself is stored within a picture, this means that to refer to a primitive object, say a line, it is necessary to specify the index of the picture and the window in which the line was drawn. Normally references are within the current picture and window so these values can be set to zero.


Picnum (Integer)

The position within the picture list of the required picture.

Winnum (Integer)

The position within the window list of the required window.

Objnum (Integer)

The position within the primitive object list of the required primitive.

RESULT = (Gobject)

Returns the graphics primitive specified.