
Create a new class which specialises and existing class

ADD_METHOD class=String superclass=String [comment=String] [names=String] Create a subclass specialising an existing class


	# Create a specialised Triple axis workspace class
	>> [ Subclass(class="My_Triple_axis", superclass="Triple_axis", &
	   comment="Specialised TA workspace", names="f4") ]
	>> ta_spec1 = Create("Triple_axis")	# create a spectrum
	>> ta_spec2 = Create("My_Triple_axis")	# create a spectrum
	>> Printn ta_spec1
	  Triple_axis [TA class comment]
	    f2 = _
	    f3 = _
	    f1 = _
	>> Printn ta_spec2
	  Triple_axis [Specialised TA workspace]
	    f4 = _
	    f2 = _
	    f3 = _
	    f1 = _

Note: by default, method is given the same name as the procedure


This is the way in which Open GENIE allows the addition of specialised (inherited) classes.  All that is needed to create a subclass of an existing class is to specify the extra attributes which belong to the subclass only.  The Subclass() function is the function used to do this.


Class (String)

The name of the class to to create.

Superclass (String) [ default = "Structure" ]

The name of the class from which to inherit.

Comment (String)

Short comment describing the function of the class - will be seen in the Hierarchy() command.

Names (String)

A space separated list of names giving the field names of the attributes for the new class.