
Interactively choose an area of a plot to magnify.

ZOOM   Redraw a plot scaling to the cursor selected box.
[/ERRORS]   Redraw using error bars
[/HISTOGRAM]   Redraw as a histogram
[/LINE]   Redraw as a line plot
[/MARKERS]   Redraw as a marker plot
[/MULTIPLOT]   Zoom on an area of a multiplot


	# Zoom in on the current plot
	# and re-display with error bars
	>> zoom/errors

Note: A zoom can be undone by a Limits/Default command with no arguments


The Zoom() command is an interative command which helps examine a plot already on the screen in more detail. The zoom command works by re-displaying the selected region of data. As a result of this approach, the resolution of a zoom is only limited to the resolution set by the data or the current bin setting (see Alter/Binning).



Display the resulting plot in the form of error bars.


Display the resulting plot in the form of a histogram (the default for bin-mode data).


Display the resulting plot in the form of a line plot (the default for point-mode data).


Display the resulting plot in the form of marker symbols


Perform the zoom on an area of a multiplot and re-display as a multiplot. See the Multiplot() command.