Workspace Operations

Workspace operations and transformations form the heart of Open GENIE. They permit analysis which takes into the account the underlying model of the data from neutron scattering experiments. For example, the Units() command can be used to convert the units of a Time-of-Flight (TOF) spectrum.

This level of knowledge about the data being operated on is only possible if some assumptions are made about the fields which will be present in any workspace containing experimental data. This in turn requires agreement about the contents and names of fields for each kind of data.

By default, Open GENIE workspaces are treated as an enhanced version of the original GENIE-V2 workspace which was based on a one dimensional Time-of-Flight spectrum. In Open GENIE two dimensional workspaces are also supported (i.e. workspaces with a two-dimensional Y-array).

The arithmetic functions (as defined in the Template Routines section) require arrays of X, Y, and error values to be present (a basic histogram). For the Units() command to work, a workspace also requires fields giving parameters such as the primary flight path and incident angle (a TOF spectrum).

In the next sections three topics are discussed before giving a complete listing of the modifiable template routines.

  1. Classification - How different types of Open GENIE workspaces are classified
  2. Steps for the creation of new workspace types
  3. Required Open GENIE Workspace Fields
  4. Template routine listing for all customizable routines.


Classification of the basic data models used in the analysis of neutron scattering data is still at a very early stage. Open GENIE is being designed to cope with several detailed classifications when they are developed. So far it only recognises one class of neutron scattering data - the GENIE-V2 style TOF spectrum - but extended to cope with 2-D data. This consists of n-histograms of data and may also contain general annotation information suitable for a plotting and units conversion. In experimental terms a workspace can correspond to a single detector scan (in TOF) or multiple scans as would be collected from a single timed run on a position sensitive detector array (the contents of an ISIS raw data file). Open GENIE is also intended for workspaces with different types of data (eg triple axis Qx, Qy, Qz arrays) and it is only necessary to redefine the template routines to make sense of operations such as w1 + w2 appropriately.

The next section briefly describes how to go about adding a new workspace type. Before doing this, some experience of wrinting Open GENIE procedures in GCL should be gained..

Steps for the Creation of New Workspace Types

When defining a different class of data there is a special syntax for defining a new type of data workspace with default fields. Lets say for example, that we wish to create a workspace for triple axis data where we can directly plot/compare this data with ISIS TOF data. The steps in this process are given below.

  1. Create a new GCL file to hold the definitions and load it before performing any operations. Lets say the file is "tripleaxis.gcl".
  2. At the top of the file add the new workspace type definition as shown below.
    # Defines a new workspace type called Tripleaxis
    [ Workspace.(subclass="Tripleaxis", fields="QX QY QZ", comment="Triple axis workspace") ]         

    The string after "subclass" gives the new workspace type name and the fields are specified in a list after "fields" and separated by a single space. This syntax is case sensitive so be sure to use a capital letters where they are used below and nowhere else (anything is OK in the comment string of course).

  3. Now add any data specific procedure definitions. For example, printing. This is also the place to redefine the S() procedure if the input data format is different.
    # Now define any PROCEDURES which operate on these workspaces, for example,
    # to fill with data, display, convert etc.
    PROCEDURE example_print
    PARAMETERS scan=Tripleaxis		# we can now type check for only triple axis data
         printn "Qx = " scan.qx  "Qy = " scan.qy  "Qx = " scan.qz
  4. To create new workspace of class triple axis you will need to use one more piece of special Open GENIE syntax
    >> my_work =		# note capital T, rest lowercase.
    >> printn my_work			# print out workspace
      Tripleaxis [Triple axis workspace]
        qx = _				# elements undefined and needing values
        qz = _				# eg  my_work.qx = ...
        qy = _
  5. If you wish to re-define or augment the workspace operations +, -, *, / etc. Copy the file "workspace_user.gcl" from the genie area and edit the template routines. You can do this to make them take only "Tripleaxis" data but by being more cunning, you can keep the original functionality as well. eg
    PROCEDURE Workspace_add; PARAMETERS w1=Workspace w2=Workspace; RESULT=wres
    IF is_a(w1, "Tripleaxis")
        wres = my_TA_func(w1, w2)
        ... what was here before
  6. From now on, your "Tripleaxis" workspace type is as much a part of Open GENIE as any other workspace. Please note that type names cannot contain "_" and "$" characters, must always be lowercase and need to start with a Capital letter.

If you intend to embark on a project of this sort it is probably worth mailing to check that this work has not already been done for your type of data.

Required Open GENIE workspace fields

This section lists the required fields and types needed in a workspace to "Qualify" as a Histogram, TOFSpectrum or AnnotatedSpectrum.

The field names and requirements are listed here but the distinctions are not made rigidly with separate workspace types at the moment. For example if you try to add two workspaces without Y arrays you will certainly get an error.


Workspace Field Description Variable type
X(1-D) array of X values RealArray
Y(1-D) array of Y values RealArray
E(1-D) array of errors for Y field RealArray

2-D Histogram

Workspace Field Description Variable type
X(1-D) array of X values RealArray
Y(2-D) 2-D array of Y values RealArray
E(2-D) 2-D array of errors for Y field RealArray

TOF Spectrum

Workspace Field Description Variable type
Histogram + (all fields in Histogram)  
L1 primary flight path (m) Real
L2 secondary flight path (m) Real
Twotheta scattering angle Real
Delta hold off in microseconds Real
Emode energy mode Real
Efixed fixed energy (if applicable) Real
Xlabel Units for X values String
Ylabel Units for Y values String
Ut(1-D) User parameters (this array may be of any length and caters for information not already named in a field RealArray

2-D TOF Spectrum

Workspace Field Description Variable type
2DHistogram + (all fields in 2DHistogram)  
L1 primary flight path (m) Real
L2(1-D) secondary flight path (m) Real
Twotheta(1-D) scattering angle Real
Delta hold off in microseconds Real
Emode energy mode Integer 0=inelastic, 1=incident, 2=transmitted
Efixed fixed energy (if applicable) Real
Xlabel Units for X values String
Ylabel Units for Y values String
Ut(1-D) User parameters (this array may be of any length and caters for information not already named in a field) RealArray

Annotated Spectrum

Workspace Field Description Variable type
TOFSpectrum + (all fields in TOFspectrum)  
File File from which data came String
Title run title String
User_name User name String
Time run start date and time String
Run_duration run duration in seconds Real
Spec_no spectrum number Integer
Run_no run number String
Inst_name instrument name String
History workspace history String

Annotated 2-D Spectrum

Workspace Field Description Variable type
2DTOFSpectrum + (all fields in TOFspectrum)  
AnnotatedSpectrum + (all fields in AnnotatedSpectrum but...)  
Spec_no(1-D) spectrum number (this is now an array) Integer

Template routines

The following functions are called whenever an intrinsic operation involving workspaces is specified (for example w1 + w2 will invoke the template routine Workspace_add () with the workspaces as parameters). The purpose of this is to allow customisation of the routines. These functions can be redefined by a (careful) user to take account of any experiment specific data which may be passed in the workspace.

The example with each function description gives the template procedure currently installed in Open GENIE, the aim of these is to broadly approximate the operations implicit in GENIE-V2 and to give an example of how to write the routine and handle the errors as Open GENIE does.

Customising the templates

All the template routines are kept together in one file "workspace_user.gcl." By modifying all the template routines in the file, the behaviour of the Open GENIE workspace operations may be completely modified. It is important to maintain the default functionality for each procedure, or at least to be aware of routines which may fail to operate when it is changed!

To activate the changes, the modified copy of "workspace_user.gcl" can be loaded into Open GENIE using the Load command. e.g.

>> Load "SRC/workspace_user.gcl"
Loading file SRC/workspace_user.gcl
    275 lines scanned/compiled  buffer space remaining = 10958

Workspace operations index

This table lists all the Workspace operations which can be modified.

Unary operations Description
Workspace_abs |w|
Workspace_arccos acos(w)
Workspace_arcsin asin(w)
Workspace_arctan atan(w)
Workspace_coerce Defines how workspaces combine with other types, e.g. w1 * 4.0
Workspace_cos cos(w)
Workspace_exp exp(w)
Workspace_ln ln(w)
Workspace_log log(w)
Workspace_negated -w
Workspace_not NOT w
Workspace_sin sin(w)
Workspace_sqrt sqrt(w)
Workspace_tan tan(w)
Binary Operations
Workspace_add w1 + w2
Workspace_append End on join of one histogram to another (w1 & w2)
Workspace_divide w1 / w2
Workspace_raised_to w1 ^ w2
Workspace_subtract w1 - w2
Workspace_modulo w1 | w2
Workspace_multiply w1 * w2
Comparison Operations
Workspace_and w1 AND w2
Workspace_equal w1 = w2
Workspace_greater_than w1 > w2
Workspace_greater_than_or_equal w1 >= w2
Workspace_less_than w1 < w2
Workspace_less_than_or_equal w1 <= w2
Workspace_not_equal w1 != w2
Workspace_or w1 OR w2


Unary Operations


Called by the generic function Acos(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_ARCCOS() w1=Workspace acos(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_arccos; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = arccos(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e / sqrt( 1 - w1.y^2 )


Called by the generic function Asin(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_ARCSIN() w1=Workspace asin(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_arcsin; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = arcsin(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e / sqrt( 1 - w1.y^2 )


Called by the generic function Atan(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_ARCTAN() w1=Workspace atan(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_arctan; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = arctan(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e / sqrt( 1 - w1.y^2 )


Called to convert numbers and arrays automatically in to workspaces.

WORKSPACE_COERCE() something=Any convert "something" into a workspace (if possible)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. This routine is called whenever a mixed type expression involving workspaces requires to convert the NON workspace parameter into a workspace. The result will always be a workspace

This is procedure is best not changed without a good understanding of how it works. It is not likely to be necessary to alter this when defining a new type of workspace.

PROCEDURE workspace_coerce; PARAMETERS something; RESULT wres

	LOCAL self

	# assign self to be the current workspace object to allow sizing & copying to the new one
	%( gXself _ line at: 1 )%

	wres=fields()					# new a workspace

	# these cases shouldn't be able to happen
	IF is_a(something, "workspace") OR is_a(something, "workspacearray")
		printen "Coercion failure - workspace(array) -> workspace"
		wres = self				# copy all workspace fields
        	wres.ylabel = "(dimensionless)"
        	fill wres.e 0.0
		wres.y = fill(wres.y, 0.0) + something	# use array coercion to fill the workspace



Called by the generic function Cos(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_COS() w1=Workspace cos(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_cos; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = cos(w1.y)
	wres.e = abs( sin(w1.y) * w1.e )


Called by the generic function Exp(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_EXP() w1=Workspace exp(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_exp; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = exp(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e * wres.y


Called by the generic function ln(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_LN() w1=Workspace ln(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_ln; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = ln(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e/w1.y


Called by the generic function log(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_LOG() w1=Workspace log(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_log; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = log(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e/(w1.y * ln(10.0))


Called by the generic function -x when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_NEGATED() w1=Workspace -w


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_negated; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres.y = -w1.y


Called by the generic function NOT x when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_NOT() w1=Workspace NOT w


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. This function does not have a useful implementation currently. This is really only included for the sake of completeness as the syntax does allow it to be called.

PROCEDURE workspace_not; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	printen	"Operation NOT is not defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function Sin(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_SIN() w1=Workspace sin(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_sin; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = sin(w1.y)
	wres.e = abs( cos(w1.y) * w1.e )


Called by the generic function Sqrt(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_SQRT() w1=Workspace sqrt(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_sqrt; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = sqrt(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e / (2.0 * wres.y)


Called by the generic function Tan(x) when x is of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_TAN() w1=Workspace tan(w)


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_tan; PARAMETERS w1=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = w1
	wres.y = tan(w1.y)
	wres.e = w1.e/(cos(w1.y)^2)

Binary Operations


Called by the generic function x + y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_ADD() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 + w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_add; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

	IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
		wres = w1
		wres.y = w1.y + w2.y
		wres.e = sqrt( w1.e*w1.e + w2.e*w2.e )
		printen "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x & y (append) when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_APPEND() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 & w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_append; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
LOCAL lenx1 lenx2 leny1 leny2
	lenx1 = length(w1.x)
	lenx2 = length(w2.x)
	leny1 = length(w1.y)
	leny2 = length(w2.y)
	IF (Max(w1.x) = Min(w2.x))
		wres = w1
		wres.x = w1.x & w2.x[2:lenx2]
		wres.y = w1.y & w2.y
		wres.e = w1.e & w2.e
	ELSEIF (leny1 = lenx1) OR (leny2 = lenx2)
		printen "Error - both workspaces must be histograms"
		printen "Error - Start and end X values must match"



Called by the generic function x / y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_DIVIDE() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 / w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_divide; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

    IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
	wres = w1
	wres.y = w1.y / w2.y
        wres.e = sqrt( wres.y * ((w1.e/w1.y)^2 + (w2.e/w2.y)^2) )
        IF w2.ylabel != "(dimensionless)"
            wres.ylabel = "(dimensionless)"
	printin "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x ^ y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_RAISED_TO() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 ^ w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_raised_to; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

	IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
		wres = w1
		wres.y = w1.y ^ w2.y
		wres.e = sqrt( (ln(w1.y) * (w2.e))^2 + ((w2.y/w1.y) * w1.e)^2 )
		printin "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x - y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_SUBTRACT() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 - w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_subtract; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

	IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
		wres = w1
		wres.y = w1.y - w2.y
		wres.e = sqrt( w1.e*w1.e + w2.e*w2.e )
		printin "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x | y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_MODULO() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 | w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_modulo; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

	IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
		wres = w1
		wres.y = w1.y | w2.y
		wres.e = sqrt( wres.y * ((w1.e/w1.y)^2 + (w2.e/w2.y)^2) )  # errors as for divide or
		wres.ylabel = "(dimensionless)"
		printin "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x * y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_MULTIPLY() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 * w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. Note that the characteristics of the Left hand workspace are those that define the resultant workspace (ie final length, dimensionality of arrays).

PROCEDURE workspace_multiply; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres

    IF (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel)
	wres = w1
	wres.y = w1.y * w2.y
        wres.e = sqrt((w1.y*w2.e)^2 + (w2.y*w1.e)^2)
	printin "Workspaces are not compatible - please re-bin"



Called by the generic function x AND y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_AND() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 AND w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below. This function does not have a useful implementation currently. This is really only included for the sake of completeness as the syntax does allow it to be called.

PROCEDURE workspace_and; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"Operation AND is not defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function x = y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_EQUAL() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 = w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_equal; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = (w1.x = w2.x) AND (w1.xlabel = w2.xlabel) AND ( w1.y = w2.y )


Called by the generic function x > y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_GREATER_THAN() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 > w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_greater_than; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"w1 > w2 is not currently defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function x >= y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 >= w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_greater_than_or_equal; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"w1 >= w2 is not currently defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function x < y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_LESS_THAN() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 < w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_less_than_or_equal; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"w1 <= w2 is not currently defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function x <= y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 <= w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_less_than_or_equal; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"w1 <= w2 is not currently defined for workspaces"


Called by the generic function x != y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_NOT_EQUAL() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 != w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_not_equal; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	wres = ( w1.x != w2.x ) OR ( w1.y != w2.y )


Called by the generic function x OR y when x and y are of type Workspace.

WORKSPACE_OR() w1=Workspace w2=Workspace w1 OR w2


The default procedure definition and the calculation of errors for this procedure is shown below.

PROCEDURE workspace_or; PARAMETERS w1=workspace w2=workspace; RESULT wres
	printin	"Operation OR is not defined for workspaces"