String  FILE,
Integer  FRAMES,
Integer  OUTPUT,
String  LABEL,
Qualifier  HARD_INT,
Qualifier  HARD_EXT,
Qualifier  SOFT,
Qualifier  PFILE,
Qualifier  PERIOD1,
Qualifier  PERIOD2,
Qualifier  PERIOD3,
Qualifier  PERIOD4,
Qualifier  PERIOD5,
Qualifier  PERIOD6,
Qualifier  PERIOD7,
Qualifier  PERIOD8,
Qualifier  ALLPERIODS,
Qualifier  DAQ,
Qualifier  DWELL,
Qualifier  UNUSED 

Change period setup as part of a scripted block change operation.

Block change operations are enclosed by CHANGE_START and CHANGE_FINISH commands

[in] HARD_INT Hardware periods where a period change is initiated by the DAE after a specified number of frames
[in] HARD_EXT Hardware periods where period changes are initialted by an external source
[in] SOFT Software periods where period is changed by user via a CHANGE PERIOD= command
[in] PERIOD1 Apply parameters such as DAQ, FRAMES etc. to first hardware period
[in] ALLPERIODS Apply parameters such as DAQ, FRAMES etc. to all periods
[in] NSOFT set the number of software periods (SOFT only)
[in] SEQUENCES set number of hardware period sequences to do (HARD_INT only)
[in] OUTPUT_DELAY define the position within a frame (ms) at which a HARD_INT period change takes place
[in] DAQ The period selected by PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS will be a Data Acquisitoon period
[in] DWELL The period selected by PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS will be a Dwell (non Data Acquisition) period
[in] UNUSED The period selected by PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS will not be used
[in] FRAMES Specify the number of good frames to count in PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS (HARD_INT only)
[in] OUTPUT Specify the output signal for PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS (HARD_INT and HARD_EXT only)
[in] LABEL Specify the display label for PERIOD1 or ALLPERIODS (HARD_INT and HARD_EXT only)
[in] PFILE Use file specified by FILE to read period information from (HARD_INT and HARD_EXT only). Deafult: use PERIOD1 etc. specified values. a periods file just contains line of the form "DAQ 100 1 per1" for "DAQ period, 100 frames, output 1, label per1"
A previous CHANGE_START command been issued
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